Pastel baby shower inspiration


 Over the past month we have had three weddings, including that of our eldest son, three of our children’s birthdays, cake orders, a trip to Bundaberg in Queensland, oh yes, and we bought a dog.

Our very first dog. Ever.

I’m not an animal person at all and have successfully convinced my family (read Husband) for twenty years that it’s not a good idea to get a dog. But last month I was overruled. Ok..ok…considering I basically named all but one of our nine children I guess I could relent….just this once and put a smile on my dial and embrace our brand new (biggish, busy, energetic, bitey, nippy, jumpy, chewy) looovely Border Collie pup called Huckleberry!! I admit he IS kinda cute. His fur is soft and I make an effort every day (well…neearly every day…) to give him a great big rub a dub hug and go gaa gaa over him. Never mind that now two of our puppy shy children will not go outside anymore because Huckleberry jumps all over them…or that it is now near impossible to sit on our picturesque back deck and enjoy a cup of tea because Huck immediately jumps all over me! No, no complaining here. I may risk offending die hard dog lovers. As I said very convincingly to my ten year old animal loving daughter, yes, I WILL love Huckleberry. I promise.

Sometimes love is a choice.


And so here we have a little pastel baby shower inspiration. A dear friend of mine asked if I could help with her daughter-in- love’s baby shower, which sent my excitement levels soaring, as this particular friend is the Queen of style and happens to own the gorgeous property where we held our son’s vintage wedding, (  To do a baby shower for her would have been a dream come true. However the only weekend available for her shower was the weekend after our son’s wedding….can you believe it?  As I knew I would still be in a  comatose state by  then, I had to regretfully decline the offer….sigh.

Anyway, I still made the cake, and some cupcakes, and a cool pastel backdrop, and decorated these fabulous marquee lights with reproduction fabric, and gathered a few bits and pieces together for her to use. I took a few photos and well…here they are. I would still love to style a vintage pastel baby shower and have a few lovely pieces stored away for future use. Who knows, maybe one day it will be for my very first grandchild!

Oh my…now there’s a thought. 


pastelbaby7 pastelbaby17 






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